This is especially useful to get as much money as you want, as you can simply have all the other rulers within the diplomatic range send you monetary gifts. When you’re done, simply go back to your ruler using the same procedure, and you’re done. Just make sure not to unpause (or your own ruler will be driven by the AI at that point, and it might do something you don’t like).
Intrigue and betrayal are pretty much the whole point) doesn’t require codes at all.Īll you need to do is to pause time, then press ESC to go on the menu at any time, then click on “Switch character” and select a ruler you want to “bend to your will,” and then simply make them do whatever you want. The most basic form of cheating (and I mean beyond what the game actually encourages you to do. In this guide, we’ll teach you how to Cheat in Crusader Kings 3, All Codes, and Console Commands.
The life of the ruler in the Crusader Kings series can be difficult, but luckily you can bend the rules a little bit.